The concept of the show, “Material Matters. A Sculpture Show,” is to bring together four international contemporary sculptors working in diverse materials. The sculptures presented in the show are united however in both the figurative subject matter as well as the contemporary nature of each of the pieces. Some of the materials used are traditional (marble and wood) whereas others are more contemporary (synthetic foam, cardboard and resin). For an exhibition in Pietrasanta, a city with a long history of producing sculpture, it is equally important for the exhibtion to demonstrate in these works the highest quality of sculpture as it is to be innovative in showing sculpture in these varied, sometimes unique, materials.
This show will present artists from four countries working on three continents. In addtion, each of the four artists has studied in a foreign country. This “outsider’s eye” has been an influence on all of these artists and their daily observations of life in other countries is evidenced in their work.
Furthermore, the title of the show, “Material Matters. A Sculpture Show” raises the idea of two critical aspects of the show: the actual materials used to create the sculptures as well as what is important, or material, in the sculptures themselves. A fundamental element in the curation of the show is to present sculptors who use diverse media. However the pieces themselves represent and maintain the quality and beauty reflecting the traditions of the art of sculpture itself. This intangilbe element is actually a fundamental component, or a “material matter”, of this exhibtion: balancing the various media of each sculptor’s works and yet maintaining the artistic value in every sculpture.